
An Invigorating Experience at CalTech

Podcast on Craig Chu's Experience at CalTech on "College Matters. Alma Matters"
  • Alma_Matters
  • 21 Jul, 2022

An Invigorating Experience at CalTech

By Alma Matters

February 3, 2022


Episode #178:

 Craig Chu on CalTech.

Craig Chu is a graduate of CalTech with a Bachelor’s degree in Applied and Computational Mathematics.

Craig was a Math whiz in High School.

At CalTech, he found that Math required a little more work.

For one homework problem set, he remembers sitting down after dinner, with 2 or 3 peers in the library to work on it.

The peer groups were usually at about the same level of proficiency and understanding.

They worked on it into the wee hours of the morning. It was 3 or 4am before they finished the entire homework.

The funny thing was the problem set had only 4 questions!

The peer group had spent most of the night just talking.

Craig calls it an invigorating experience.

He was surprised how cool and collaborative CalTech students were.

In the Podcast with Craig, we discussed this and other topics about CalTech: 

  • On choosing CalTech
  • Majoring in Applied and Computational Mathematics
  • House System & Activities
  • On becoming an Actuary
  • Advice to Aspirants

If you are college-bound, this Podcast is a must listen to be inspired and motivated about your own future.

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