
JEE Advanced Syllabus 2019- Check Paper 1 & AAT Syllabus

  • Maniprabha
  • 10 Mar, 2019

JEE Advanced Syllabus 2019 - Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee will release the complete syllabus of JEE Advanced 2019 along with the official notification in the month of December 2018. The question paper will contain the various question on the topics mentioned in the JEE advanced syllabus. Aspirants need to prepare each and every topic of JEE Advanced 2019 syllabus to qualify the test with good marks. The syllabus of JEE Advanced 2019 is similar to the syllabus of Class 11th and 12th syllabus that contains the important topics and chapters of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. JEE Advanced 2019 will be conducted in May 2019 in online mode for admission to undergraduate engineering courses offered by 16 IITs. It is the toughest examination among all engineering entrance tests hence, it will need extra efforts and time. Candidates are suggested to start their preparation as early as possible.

Here we have listed all the important topics of JEE Advanced Syllabus 2019 for the ease of candidates on the basis of previous year details. In case of modification, details will be intimated on this page.

JEE Advanced 2019 Syllabus

Refer the below table to get the JEE Advanced syllabus of all subjects including Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Architecture.

JEE Advanced Syllabus for Paper 1




Gaseous and liquid states



General topics

Electric current


Atomic structure and chemical bonding

Thermal physics




Permutations and combinations

Chemical equilibrium

Modern physics



Electromagnetic induction:

2D Geometry

Chemical kinetics

Wave Nature of Light

3D Geometry

Solid state




Law of gravitation


Surface chemistry

Moment of inertia


Nuclear chemistry

Harmonic motions


Isolation/preparation and properties of non-metals

Law of radioactive decay


Preparation and properties of compounds

Atomic nucleus


Transition elements (3d series)

Photoelectric effect


Ores and minerals


Extractive metallurgy


Principles of qualitative analysis


Preparation, properties and reactions of alkanes


Preparation, properties and reactions of alkenes and alkynes


Reactions of benzene




Practical organic chemistry


Properties and uses of some important polymers


Amino acids and peptides





JEE Advanced Syllabus for AAT

Architecture Aptitude Test

Freehand drawing

Draw day-to-day life usable objects like furniture, equipment, etc., from memory

Geometrical drawing

Drawing geometrical objects such as prisms, cones, cylinders, cubes, splayed surface holders

Three-dimensional perception

Understanding of 3D forms with building elements, volume, colour, and orientation

Imagination and aesthetic sensitivity

This section includes context mapping, checking sense of color and creativity of candidates.

Architectural awareness

This section will check the understanding candidate's knowledge on national and international, places and personalities (architects, designers, etc.)


JEE Advanced 2019 Exam Pattern

Candidates can check the exam pattern here, which will be followed in the exam.

  • JEE Advanced 2019 is a computer-based or online test.
  • There will be two compulsory papers (Paper 1 and Paper 2).
  • The test duration will be of 3 hours for each paper. PwD candidates will get some extra time to solve the paper
  • The question paper will consist of objective type or multiple choice type questions in English and Hindi language.
  • JEE Advanced 2019 paper 1 will consist of three sections that are Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics subjects.
  • For each paper the marking scheme will be different. Hence, there will be different negative marking.

JEE Advanced 2019 Recommended Books




Concepts of Physics Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 by H.C.Verma

Organic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon

Mathematics Class 11 and 12 by R.D. Sharma

Problems in General Physics by I.E. Irodov

Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon

Problems in Calculus of One Variable by I.A. Maron

Aptitude Test Problems in Physics by S.S. Krotov

Organic Chemistry by Paula Bruice Yurkani

Plane Co-Ordinate Geometry by S.L. Loney

Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker

Chemistry 11 & 12 by NCERT

Vector and 3D Geometry by Arihant Prakashan


JEE Advanced 2019 Preparation Tips

Get the details of syllabus and pattern of JEE Advanced 2019 which has been mentioned in the above section and start your preparation as early as possible. Candidates have to prepare each topic and chapter to get more marks because only top rankers will be able to get admission in the desired institute and course. Below are some tips that help you to make most of your time.

  • Each topic is important hence coven all topics and subjects. In the beginning, prepare the topics which contain the high weightage. To know the important topics, it is a must to solve the previous year’s question papers.
  • Create a study schedule and start with the toughest sections as it will take more time.
  • Refer the NCERT books to prepare the syllabus. NCERT books are the best books to get details.
  • Solve as many previous year’s question papers and sample papers you can. By solving these papers, candidates will have clarity on the pattern and type of questions asked. Candidates can also check their preparation level by solving the sample papers.

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