Episode Notes | Transcript | AskTheGuest
Dean Kyriakopoulos is a junior at Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
In this Podcast, Dean talks about his High School interests, Extracurricular activities and his plans for College & Beyond!
Hi-Fives from the Podcast are:
- Dean’s Interests
- Passion
- Priorities
- What does College look like
- College Guidance
Episode Notes
Episode Title: About College and Beyond: Dean Kyriakopoulos of Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
Dean loves History and English. He is on the Hockey team, Rowing team. He is part of the Advanced Choir & plays in concerts. His passion is to travel back in time and study the daily lives of people in the past.
In this Podcast, Dean talks about his High School interests, Extracurricular activities and his plans for College & Beyond!
In particular, we discuss the following with him:
- Who is Dean Kyriakopoulos?
- High School Interests
- College Process
- Priorities & Outlook for the Future
Topics discussed in this episode:
- Introducing Dean Kyriakopoulos, Cranbrook Kingswood High School [0:45]
- Hi Fives - Podcast Highlights [1:44]
- Dean’s High School Interests [3:48]
- Passion [5:56]
- Future Outlook [7:18]
- Priorities [9:25]
- What does College look like for Dean [10:38]
- College Guidance [14:04]
- Memories [15:46]
Our Guest: Dean Kyriakopoulos is a Junior at Cranbrook Kingswood High School in Michigan.
Memorable Quote: “I'd say that in terms of what I value from a college, I'd say having a very good community, and involved community is something I find very important because I feel that being socially happy and socially involved, is one way to really drive yourself to be motivated in pursuing things that are educational”, Dean.
Recommended Episodes: College Experiences
Episode Transcript: Please visit Episode’s Transcript.
Episode Transcript
Transcript of the episode’s audio.
<Start Snippet> Dean K 0:14
I feel like in modern day like you're kind of bottling things up quite a bit of the time and to be able to share that with kids your age and to find out that they're going through quite a few of the same things that you're going through and dealing with a lot of the same problems without some emotions. It really has helped me socially be able to recognize that and be more, more in touch with my emotions with my friends.
Venkat 0:45 [Introducing Dean Kyriakopoulos, Cranbrook Kingswood High School]
That is Dean Kyriakopoulos, a junior at Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.
Hello, I am your host, Venkat Raman.
Dean loves History and English.
He plays a lot of sports. He is on the Hockey team, Rowing team.
He is part of the Advanced Choir & plays in concerts.
His passion is to travel back in time and study the daily lives of people in the past.
Venkat Raman 1:20
In this Podcast, Dean talks about his High School interests, Extracurricular activities and his plans for college & beyond!
Before we jump into the podcast, here are the Hi-Fives, Five Highlights from the podcast:
Dean K 1:44 [Highlights - Hi Fives]
[Dean’s Interests]
I've always been very interested in history. I, I also enjoy English more so for kind of an the analysis of writing and literature. And I feel like both of those kind of come together in my desire to pursue the humanities in college.
I'd say what's a passion for me is really diving into the different stories and kind of the environments of ancient peoples and just learning about them.
I feel that I would do the best in a field where I enjoy doing what I do. And I think that right now, that just happens to be pursuing archaeology.
[What does College look like]
More more hands on and involved learning. For instance, I've been looking at this one college, which you know, it doesn't offer an undergrad for what I want, but it does offer one after I finished my undergrad for me to pursue a degree in archaeology, but they have facilities on their campus, which have archaeological sites that the students will go to even when they're on the campus and do things hands on, which I think is very, very nice.
[College Guidance]
I've taken advantage of what I have available to me and I've met with my college counselor, which has helped me sort out my standardized testing and get a lot of that stuff done with early and out of the way with scores that I can be happy with.
Venkat Raman 3:27
These were the Hi5s, brought to you by “College Matters. Alma Matters.”
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Venkat Raman 3:38
Now. I'm sure you want to hear the entire podcast with Dean.
So without further ado, here's the podcast with Dean Kyriakopoulos!
Dean K 3:48 [Dean’s High School Interests]
Um, so my name is Dean Kyriakopoulos. I'm from Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. And you know, I'm interested in you know, going to college obviously, possibly, I'm interested in getting a degree and you know, being that it's going to be my junior year. When summer ends, I'm I feel ready to start my path to college.
Venkat Raman 4:15
Awesome. So tell us about your interests in the classroom. What kind of stuff excites you?
Dean K 4:24
Yeah, so in the classroom, particularly in class I enjoy like history and English. What really excites me is having a lot of real world information and knowledge that's directly applicable to things that I might want to pursue in my future and learning skills which will help me pursue different careers and different goals that I might have for my teaching.
Venkat Raman 4:56
So what, what kind of subjects are interesting to you?
Dean K 5:00
I've always been very interested in history. I also enjoy English more so for kind of an the analysis of writing and literature. And I feel like both of those kind of come together in my desire to pursue the humanities in college,
Venkat Raman 5:21
What do you do outside the classroom,
Dean K 5:24
Outside the classroom, a lot of the time, I have a lot of sports. So I'm on the hockey team, as well as the rowing team at school, and also am part of the advanced choir for my school, which we have concerts throughout the year.
Venkat Raman 5:44
So out of all these things, what, what really is a passion for you? I mean, you've got sports, you've got music, you love writing and history.
Dean K 5:56 [Passion]
I'd say, what's a passion for me is really diving into the different stories and kind of the environments of ancient peoples and just learning about them, like I deeply enjoy knowing what life was like, during these ancient or times in the past, and just learning about the different things that are that were going on during those time periods. Because I feel that we look at what happens during our day to day lives. And what's happening in the present is being vastly different than what was going on in the past. Where as whereas it's actually just mainly, our basic, our beat a, our ability to view things happening all over the world at once. Whereas things that were that we might not find as important, were very important to these people, because they had no scope of what was happening outside of their, for instance, outside of their village outside of their city, outside of their country. And I just find it very interesting of how much more significant things during those times were in comparison to the modern age.
Venkat Raman 7:18 [Future Outlook]
So with all that, and this passion for, you know, in should stories and lives and environments, how are you looking at your future? I mean, what, what do you think? What do you think it's going to be like? Or what do you what do you feel about it right now?
Dean K 7:39
In like in terms of academics?
Venkat Raman 7:41
I mean, in general, I mean, yeah, I mean, maybe starting with academics, college and career and beyond. Yeah.
Dean K 7:48
So you know, I have my junior year old ahead of me going to complete that. Hopefully do well apply to colleges, get dude have senior year, do more college things. And then I I'm looking to going into college and possibly in pursuing my love of the humanities, with maybe for my undergraduate degree getting a getting like an undergrad to have my undergrad be anthropology or archaeology. After that, getting my master's in those subjects or something else. You never know where life will take you. But, um, if I mean from right now, I want to most likely find some sort of job as a professor of my endgame right now. Maybe enrolling in to a Ph. D. program, even though that's quite a ways away. I mean, yeah. And, you know, pursuing the archaeological field, and yeah, I mean, I can only prof prophesized, I guess my future so much right now, but yeah, right now, that's, that's, that's kind of where I'd like to see my future head.
Venkat Raman 9:08
You know, as you look out, what are your priorities? I mean, what, how are you sort of ordering this in terms of, you know, where do you want to be what's important to you, I guess, from a values point of view, or from an emotional point of view.
Dean K 9:25 [Priorities]
I'd say from an emotional and kind of value point of view. I mean, my parents have always instilled upon me from a very young age of that they were very supportive of me doing what I loved, and pursuing any field that I would enjoy. And I feel like that's kind of rubbed off onto me where, you know, I see I don't see it so much as making as much and making like a ton of money which, you know, would be very nice, but I should I feel that I would do the best in a field where I enjoy I like doing what I do. And I think that right now, that just happens to be pursuing archaeology. And I feel that I'll be able to recognize that in the future, if let's say, I'm not enjoying what I'm doing to recognize that, hey, that what I'm doing might not be the best fit. And I might need to transition to something else, because I'll be that much more productive in a field where I enjoy the material.
Venkat Raman 10:30
What kind of college are you envisioning? What's the picture of a college you want to be at?
Dean K 10:38 [What does College look like for Dean]
I haven't, I haven't really given which colleges I might want to go to. But I'd say that in terms of what I value from a college, I'd say having a very good community involved community is something I find very important because I feel that socially, being socially happy and socially involved, is one way to really drive yourself to be motivated in pursuing things that are educational. Because for instance, when you're having a good time with your friends, you have you can value that time, so much more when you have things that you're which are serious. And you know, I also value having good, a good campuses, something that's very nice as well. But I'd say having a very good and involved education is also a top priority, like educationally like I think that's mainly what I'm looking for, and having a good education. And also being having more more hands on and involved learning. For instance, I've been looking at this one college, which you know, it doesn't offer an undergrad for what I want, but it does offer one after I finished my undergrad, for me to pursue a degree in archaeology, but they have facilities on their campus, which have archaeological sites that the students will go to, even when they're on the campus and do things hands on, which I think is very, very nice. And is a very good way to learn the material by actually seeing it in practice in the real world.
Venkat Raman 12:22
Now, would you be interested in continuing hockey or rowing or choir or any of those?
Dean K 12:31
Yes. Um, so I, I don't think that I'm going to be pursuing hockey after high school considering that it's I you know, to actually pursue it seriously, I'd have to go into like the Junior League the get into OHL, you know, take like a gap year. Yeah. But I wouldn't be interested in doing crew in high school and after high school. Now, I know that it gets very competitive. But, you know, I would like to keep active after high school. And, you know, because I think that I perform a lot better academically when I have a an outlet for my energy. And yeah, I I'd be very interested in doing crew after high school in same with choir like I I enjoy the people who are in choir, I enjoy the the social aspect of choir as well as, you know, the actual activity of choir and I could see myself doing it as a way to involve myself with groups of people and have a group of people that I can interact with, after high school.
Venkat Raman 13:47
Now, do you feel like you have all the help and resources? You need to, you know, make your plans over the next couple of years and actually apply? And all that? Do you have, you feel like you have everything you need?
Dean K 14:04 [College Guidance]
I can say that I I think that I'm fortunate enough to have a good support system in place for me. And, for instance, the school offers the school that I go to Cranbrook schools, offers a very good college counseling program with college counselors who are eager to meet with you who are helpful, and I've taken advantage of what I have available to me and I've met with my college counselor, which has helped me sort out my standardized testing and get a lot of that stuff done with early and out of the way with scores that I can be happy with.
And also, I feel that my parents are very supportive. I mean, my mom's a college professor, so she has experience with the college system. And you know, I think that I do have I do have people in my life and I do have programs which will help me plan out my college and help me like, it's not a question of, Do I go to college? Or do I go to these specific schools, but more so just like me being able to choose, you know?
Venkat Raman 15:21
Finally, just any, I know that you're halfway through high school right now, any memory or any interesting vignette that you want to share, at this point,
Dean K 15:38
like memories of high school. So,
Venkat Raman 15:40
Yeah, something you carry for the rest of your life,
Dean K 15:46 [Memories]
I was involved with a actually, this summer, I went to Greece and I had a, I went to a camp called Ionian Village in Greece. And that really helped me socially be able to recognize how I can share kind of how I'm feeling with other kids my age, who like you know, I'm friends with and really be able to connect with them on a deeper level than what I might with, you know, how I might have interacted before by sharing how I feel about certain things and kind of being able to open up to each other. Because I feel like it, I feel like in modern day, like you're kind of bottling things up quite a bit of the time, and to be able to share that with kids your age, and to find out that they're going through quite a few of the same things that you're going through. And dealing with a lot of the same problems without some emotions. It really has helped me socially be able to recognize that and be more, more in touch with my emotions, with my friends. And I think that it's been a very pivotal moment in my life of kind of realizing that.
Venkat Raman 16:55
That's pretty amazing. It's pretty amazing. So very good, Dean. So this is, this has been very eye opening and very illustrative and helpful. I thank you for sharing your thoughts. And as you prepare for your future, I wish you all the best in your junior year. And and I really resonate with a lot of the things you're aspiring to I love the fact that you want to go back and study how people were what was important to them, and try to understand where we come from, in some sense. And so thank you so much. I wish you all the best. And I hope we can chat again maybe next year, but for right now. Take care be safe. Thank you.
Dean K 17:46
Thank you. Thank you very much. I really appreciate this opportunity.
Venkat Raman 17:49
Sure Thing. bye bye.
Dean K 17:51
Venkat 17:57
Hi again!
Hope you enjoyed our podcast with Dean Kyria-kopoulos.
Dean has a number of interests and he is particularly fascinated by history at a very individual level.
He wants to pursue Humanities in college, maybe Archaeology.
I wish Dean all the best in all his endeavors.
For your questions or comments on this podcast, please email podcast at almamatters.io [podcast@almamatters.io].
Thank you all so much for listening to our podcast today.
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Till we meet again, take care and be safe.
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Summary Keywords
Psychology, Podcast for High Schoolers, US Colleges, College Counselor, Undergraduate, College Podcast, High School Students, US Colleges, College Admissions, College Applications, Debate, Tutoring, Medical Research, Cranbrook Kingswood High School, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan