pukhraj.singh2002@gmail.com asks: (For Admissions) Which takes precedence GPA or ACT/SAT/SAT 2 scores

pukhraj.singh2002@gmail.com asks: (For Admissions) Which takes precedence GPA or ACT/SAT/SAT 2 scores  

  By: venkatabe88e3184494ffb on May 30, 2019, 11:09 p.m.

(For Admissions) Which takes precedence GPA or ACT/SAT/SAT 2 scores

Re: pukhraj.singh2002@gmail.com asks: (For Admissions) Which takes precedence GPA or ACT/SAT/SAT 2 scores  

  By: sharanms@alumni.stanford.edu on May 31, 2019, 11:58 p.m.

This is a good question. In general, for most competitive colleges a good GPA is a necessary condition - given that most applicants will have have GPAs. In addition, GPAs vary from school to school based on courses, teachers and class makeup to name a few.

Standardized Tests like SAT, ACT on the other hand, provide a better benchmark to evaluate an applicant - in the context of thousands of other qualified applicants.

As you know there are other factors that go into the admission criteria in addition to GPA and Standardized Tests which you need meet as well.

I invite other Int'l Students and Alumni to comment on this as well. thx

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